It takes about another five minutes before another one arrived. Down the way off the hill, suddenly I saw the bus I missed couple minutes ago. Breaking sign resting behind the bus in the middle of the road. An accident has occurred. Not serious but someone was sitting on the ground, one feet was bleeding. All the passengers are transferred to the one I took.
Keep the journey of my morning, I can't stop wondering the chances in life. I remember an old British movie, sliding door, talking about how life could be so different from each other just couple minutes.
We all always wonder the once a life time opportunity just around the corner, the right person in your life just next to you, all the good just coming in next second. Maybe that's how we comfort ourselves from the depression, and frustration in life. Maybe it's just an escape for all of us to a one moment piece in mind. Maybe after all, everyone needs a hope after all the disasters Pandora released to the world.
Interestingly, I can't stop wonder from time to time, how do we know what exact we missed? How could we always presume that the missing part is much better than now we have now? What if you are already in the good part, you missed the bad. Of course, how would we know since we didn't see the bad. So maybe what we have been thinking of having is already had or having.
So here is the big question in life, what exact do we miss in life? What exact do you miss in your life? Or even what do you want for your life? Let's not be cynical but optimistic, so what have you been doing for your life?
Mike blogged from E71
PS: This is not the bus I missed this morning, or is it?